Wednesday, January 6, 2016

My 2016 Hair Goals!

I cannot believe how quickly last year flew by! It seems as though I was just celebrating the beginning of 2015 and here we are at another year! With that always comes new goals and new ways about making those dreams reality! Though I have a kid's Christmas list of all of my goals for the New Year, when it comes to my hair I am keeping it short and sweet!

My 2016 Hair Goals

1. I did not reach my hair goal length of full mid-back length in 2015 due to a number of things but I am aiming to make this happen in 2016. My goal is to reach this by the end of the year, though it can probably happen a lot sooner I am striving to see my hair at mid-back in 2016!

2. Though I love, love, love trying new products, I want to faithfully and consistently use no more than than 3 hair care lines. I know products will be brought forth my way and I do not mind trying them to support upcoming hair lines but if I do not see it being a staple, there will be no need for me to continue using it. And, I want to finally want to find all of my staples. For the most part I know what my hair loves, likes and dislikes but I need to be able to stick with the products that work and stay disciplined.

3. A main goal of mine is to not neglect or stress my hair. I have a regimen that works for my hair and lifestyle so I want to do my best to stick with it this year. And, even on my not-so-good days I am going to still take care of my hair. I refuse to allow life's stressful moments take over the health of my hair and body. It has happened before and my hair suffered badly but next time around I will faithfully stick to my regimen and baby it up like crazy! 

4. Lastly, I want to learn more about my hair (and even other hair textures)! I already know a lot about it but I know there is more to learn. I plan to do more research so I know every detail of my coarse, 4c hair! So, don't be surprised if you start to see more posts on my Instagram about new tips, tricks and topics that I have learned hair health.

And, that's pretty much it! I believe my goals are very realistic and doable so I am excited about making this a great year for my hair and its many adventures! 

>> What are your hair goals for 2016? <<

:: Thanks for reading! ::

Morgan :)

: Check out more of my Healthy Natural Hair Journey on Instagram! 
Click there! >> The4cProject :


  1. Lovely read! I recently did a post on my 2016 hair goals too. A few are quite similar to yours. Another goal is that I aim to experiment with new hairstyles, I sometimes get tired of the high puff. You can find mine at

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it! I definitely need to add that to my goals, learning new hairstyles. I have so many styles I want to learn so I will also work on that this year...thanks for the reminder! :) And, I'm going to check out your blog now!
